Thursday, August 9, 2012

twilight time

I hadn't realized how many daytime landscapes there were until Pam Grumach dropped off her twilight buoy, which made me catch my breath...

Pam's buoy stands in stark contrast to the multitude of gorgeous daytime buoys. She said she had many ideas and finally settled on this one.

...and boy, I'm glad she did.

I've spent a lot of time with these buoys over the past few months and have gotten to know them all intimately.
Many times I've wondered how, with all the choices in the world, an artist comes up with one particular design over all the others. 

I think that's what makes this auction (and this island) so special - it may sound trite, but as similar as we all are, we all have a different - and valuable - way of seeing the world.

I feel humbled to have been able to have been a part of this process...yes, this is a fundraiser for a very worthy non-profit, but just the same, it's a way to stir the creative juices and realize the talent and imagination that is all around us.

I know I've said it before, but thank you - to Pam and everyone else - for sharing your unique view with us.

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